The salt you use to salt your driveway or pavement surfaces is a key part of snow removal. When it comes to salt, timing is everything; salt needs to be spread before the snow arrives in order to effectively prevent snow accumulation and keep your surfaces safe. In this article, our snow removal pros will present you with tips on how and when to salt your driveway or pavement surfaces.
When to salt driveway or pavement surfaces on my property?
Ideally, you should salt your driveway before the snow falls. However, if you haven’t done that and the snow is already on the ground, you can still apply it. Late application will make it more difficult to spread the salt, it may damage the surface, and overall it won’t work as well. If there’s a really heavy snowfall, you may need to hire a professional to remove the snow.

What pavement surfaces are ideal for deicing salt?
When deicing salts are used, it’s best to use them on asphalt surfaces. This is because the salt doesn’t cause as much damage to asphalt as it does to concrete or gravel surfaces. Concrete and gravel surfaces incur severe damage with rock salt, which can lead to pitting and cratering of the pavement surface. As a result, those types of surfaces are less effective at holding up against weather conditions and eventually need to be replaced more often.
Asphalt is less porous than concrete, so it’s better suited for applications where salt will be used as a deicer. Concrete and gravel are more susceptible to damage from ice melter products, so they should not be used in areas where salt will be spread.
How to properly apply rock salt on driveways and sidewalks?
There are many different types of deicers on the market, and it’s important to purchase the one that is best suited for your needs. Rock salt is a common choice. Consider using an eco-friendly deicer to help melt snow like calcium chloride, and magnesium chloride. All of these products work by lowering the freezing point of water, making it harder for ice to form. However, they all have different properties that can affect the way they’re used.

When applying rock salt, be sure to follow the instructions on the package. In general, it’s best to spread the salt evenly across the pavement before it begins to snow or ice. You can use a shovel or snow blower to do this, or you can simply pour it out by hand. Avoid piling up the salt in one spot, as this will only make a mess and will not be effective to melt ice.
Rock salt can be an effective way to clear sidewalks and driveways of ice and snow, but it’s important to use it correctly to avoid damaging your pavement. Too much salt can lead to corrosion, damage to asphalt and concrete surfaces, and salt runoff into water sources. It’s best to work with a professional snow removal company if you have a large driveway or pavement surface on your property.
Why consider an eco-friendly deicer for my driveway and sidewalks?
When it comes to deicers, there are a few things you need to consider. Environmental impact, protecting your lawn and garden areas, and the cost incurred are all important factors.
Eco-friendly deicers have less of an environmental impact than traditional ice melter products, like rock salt. They are also less harmful to plants and trees. If you have pets or children, using an eco-friendly deicer is a good way to protect them from accidental ingestion of harmful chemicals.
What is in rock salt?
Rock salt, also known as halite, is a form of sodium chloride (NaCl), the same as table salt. It is a mineral that is found in sedimentary deposits and is often used in water softening and melting snow. Rock salt, also known as unrefined salt or solar salt, is a type of salt that is harvested from the earth. It has not been purified for human consumption like table salt, so it contains minerals like magnesium, potassium, and calcium. It also contains harmful elements like lead and arsenic. For this reason, it is not recommended to consume.
When is it best to consider snow and ice removal services instead?
There are a few instances when it might be better to hire a professional snow and ice removal company. For example, if you have a large pavement surface, it might be more efficient to let professionals take care of it. Additionally, if you’re going out of town for the winter season, it’s important to avoid any liability or injury issues. Additionally, by hiring a professional snow removal service, you can avoid liability and injury. Finally, if you’re not comfortable removing snow and ice from your property yourself, it’s always a good idea to hire a professional.

3 Things To Consider Before You Salt Your Pavement
It’s important to be proactive heading into the cold and long months of the winter season. You should know the following before you sprinkle salt on your asphalt driveway. Know the great benefits of deicing, as well as the impact on our environment.
1. Salt Doesn’t Damage Asphalt or Creates Potholes
Professionally installed asphalt or parking lot owners should not worry about pavement damage by salt usage. This is because hot-mix asphalt surfaces are composed of petroleum, stones, and sand. Generally speaking, a professional asphalt pavement installation is designed to sustain the harsh freeze and thaw cycles of the winter season.
Understand that potholes are not the direct result of salt application on your driveway, but rather ice buildup. You should beware of crackling on your asphalt surface and be proactive by sealing before it’s too late. Potholes develop when water penetrates exposed cracks in your asphalt driveway; followed by the freeze-thaw cycles which expand and contract water developing bigger cracks that transform into potholes. In addition, the constant weight bearing of the asphalt surface from cars and trucks directly affects the weaker paved areas. Follow with professional snow removal and plowing to avoid salt usage from aggravating driveway pavement or parking lot during the freeze-thaw cycles.

2. Salt Does Damage Concrete
The majority of potholes and road cracks occur on concrete paved surfaces. This is because salt does cause direct damage to concrete, due to its acidic nature. Also, the freezing process of concrete is faster than most other surfaces, which also requires more salting solution to deice. Understand these facts as significant insights when applying salt on your driveway or parking lot. Understanding the differences between asphalt driveway surfaces and concrete pavement is a proactive act toward the care of your investment.

3. Salt Hurts Our Environment
Although salt makes our life more convenient and safe, preventing fatalities and accidents during the cold months of winter, we should know its environmental impact. The environmental truth of is that runoff water containing salt greatly affects plants, wildlife, and your local waterways. Protect your pets and prevent major impact by shoveling or plowing snow and then using a deicer mix with as few environmental effects as possible and avoid using too much salt. After this, you should access the area for any pooling water. This may signal a potential pothole in the spring season. To protect your driveway or parking lot, book a reputable professional to fix your asphalt pavement problems before it’s late.
Limitless Golden Construction offers high-quality asphalt paving services in Putnam and Westchester County, NY. Our seasoned experts guide you and answer any of your questions regarding your pavement needs.
Request your complimentary quote now and proactively book your spring service with us! Call Limitless Golden Construction today at 914.810.3125.
To learn more about proper care of your asphalt driveway or parking lot visit our blog, which holds valuable tips for you to apply year-round.
How great that salt does not damage asphalt. I am in charge of the parking lot at work this year. I will find a good asphalt overlay service to help with this as well.
It’s nice that you talked about how you should salt your driveway before the snow falls. It is still snowing right now and it has been quite a hassle to remove the snow once it piled up. I heard you could actually use driveway salt for snow removal, so I’d like to buy some and give it a try.